I know all of you are in the dark on this but so am I.
There servers went down because MEEP could not fund it all by himself. He thought once the servers were up members and ppl would start donating, after 2 weeks of no1 donating he closed them because he couldn’t do it alone and thought no1 will help.
He has not come online in 9 days and i want the servers up just as much as you guys do, so i am going to funned a small TS server for the clan and a war server for CS:S. I plan to get these servers up on soon as posible but whether they can be ready by that day is a different matter. I have very lil knowledge of servers and setting them up so if i can't fined anyone online to help i'll be learning as I go alone.(w00p w00p ¬_¬)
The provider I’m going for is GTXgaming.co.uk
The war server will be a 12 slot server with a free TV(that will take up the 11th sl
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