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Main » 2010 » November » 23 » Server
7:51 AM
Hey Fellows and comrates.

Yesterday I managed to bring a new server alive (for Dark Messiah). This server is a dedicated one (not build with that stupid tool from Steam). Its name is TG^- Gamemode hosted by h@t3 (the gamemode mostly will be coloseum coz im still testing the pingrates and stuff. Well for now its running stable and with a ping about 60-90 (which im trying to fix a bit). Since this server is hosted by me as a dedicated I can put it off and on as much as I want, and it wont be online all day.

For now its specs are working like this:

Players: 8
sv_minrate 1500
sv_maxrate 10000
decalfrequency 60
sv_maxupdaterate 100
sv_minupdaterate 30

(this setting is halfed in rates, wanted to see if it is stable and what the latency for everyone is showing)
In the next few days I´ll test doublerates specially: sv_minrate 3000 / sv_maxrate 20000! This actually are the defaultrates for a DM server.

If you are intrested in hosting a server (WITHOUT DM-DEDICATED SERVER TOOL... which suxx coz its not remembering any settings) send me a PM here or talk to me in Steam or Skype (where ever u´ve added me.
It actually isnt that hard to do so. It just takes long and a bit of understanding. As for me I´m also learning how it works. But the setup is where i can help :D

Gretings councelor h@†3

Views: 785 | Added by: h@†3
Total comments: 7
6 MightyMalcolm  
Quote (h@†3)
WITHOUT DM-DEDICATED SERVER TOOL... which suxx coz its not remembering any settings

of course it does! just write a server.cfg with your settings and put it into the cfg file. then add into the ded server tool launch options
+maxplayers 8 +hostname "hates server" +servercfgfile server.cfg +mp_gamemode 4 +map CLSM_CIRCUS
and it will automatically load everything and even launch the map with just one click^^

however, how DO you actually host a server without the ded server tool?

grz from da mighty tongue

7 h@†3  
Now I have my working server :P

5 h@†3  
Trying my best to keep the game (even if im not that much playing it anymore) alive biggrin

4 void  
Hate wins! <3

3 Alnitak  
Wow hate rly good news *kneels*

2 Dissociactive  
Tnx dude. Nice job.

1 MrTiny  
Nice one hate. o.o
Can always count on you for only good things :3
*Hug & give cookies*

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