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Main » 2010 » November » 4 » New Clan name: Takai.Gaming! and changes...
7:58 PM
New Clan name: Takai.Gaming! and changes...
New clan name: Takai.Gaming
Tag: ๖TG^
 Just to let u know, the image i posted there is the one from the template for the website. It isn't finished, need to put Takai.Gaming in there in red. 
Hakken has kindly too that job. After his finished i'll use that image for all steam groups.
Our attacks are swift and deadly.
I have been thinking about this for months and now it has happened. KoD have found a new name. A name that will sound nice in any game we expand into.
There were two votes on this one public which didn't work then a clan board vote. The winner was Takai.Gaming made by I R Fuzz.
Now that this has happened it has sparked change within the community. Which i would like outline for you.
The website template will change soon.
There will be 3 steam groups. One which will be a community steam group for the clan. ALL clan members should be in the community steam group. Other for DM squad, all members in the DM squad should be in there. And another steam group for HoN clan members. For every game we expand into there will be a new group for it BUT all members must be in the community group.
Groups will be done Sometime Saterday. I will start inviteing members to them On the weekend or later today if everyting goes ok. :)
Admin names will change to include the new tags. the tags in DM will be TG^ because the server admin system doesn’t recognize the ๖ۣۜ .
The admin systems will change as well. This will be explained more in depth in another announcement soon.
Admin stuff will be done in a week or 2 time.
Hope you all like the new clan name and template for the website.
PS: Like with the old name being replaced we need a new image for our shield in DM. I have made one using the website template so they match.
I would love to see members post new improved image for the clan bast on the website look as well.
The best few will be put to the clan board and we will choose the best for our clan shield for DM.
-Mr Tiny
Attachments: Image 1
Views: 927 | Added by: MrTiny
Total comments: 3
3 MrTiny  
Ha, I made a website that brings ppl to this main page (thats for the help malcom)

2 Zorock  
If Takai is taken in DM, how come I've never seen it? I mean.. if its been years since the last time they played, then they wouldn't really be a clan anymore would they? Also.. Do you have a link for a possible website? Caus if they don't have one, aren't they only a group then?

Anyways... Will the name of the website change? e.g. or will it still be kod, which would be kinda lame?....

1 Turalyon  
Lol, Takai was a name of my friend, my friend's name in-game and I think the name Takai is taken in DM also tongue

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