Just informing everyone that the HoN Branch of TheD will be interring into UNGL leagues, maybe even ESL if UNGL ladder matches r not enough for us. The team has been set with more than enough players (i hope) So hopefully we won't miss any matches or cups.
The League team for now is:
LennyFrost(when he finally isn't lazy and REGESTERS)
Other news:
Recruiting for Star Craft 2 so if anyone knows friends that play it please ask them if they want to join us in the EU servers and for them to contact me. TS3 Server, i know most of you guys would have most likely forgotten about this but it is still up and running (contact me-MrTiny for ip) with loads of channels in a verity of games(TF2/minecraft/lol/hon etc) for you to use with the clan and u can also invite some friends too(as long as your with them).