Well guys the day has come. I´m annoyed of DM so much, so I dont play anymore! This game only consists of bugs and user, also speedhacker were there. And I really cheered me up so much to dont leave this game, until a newone like DM appears. But I´m done with it. So many offends, so many people left, so many things happend and at least our clan was born. Thus isnt the death of it. I latly saw most of u playing L4D and Team Fortress2 thats where we will rise again.
It was a good time in DM. But its over now. I also will cancel the servers. (but I will buy new when the right game appears)
I guess i'll "try" keep our DM side of the clan active and hate can do the job of setting up the l4d (i'll help a wee lil, have lots of m8s in this game.)and TF2 sides of the clan is all urs hate! xD
This is sade tho..I understand where hate is coming from so i wont go on about it.
But i will not allow our DM side of the clan to die I will try and keep it going! (i'm guessing i'm in control here) And L4D i love!!!! (guessing me and hate r heads) TF2 i don't have!!!! O wait, shit!(all ur hate!) CSS I do not mind!!!!(em, em..i'm nub here :s all urs hate!)
Em.. thats all the games i'm helping him(not TF2 tho)
I totally know what you mean h@†3, and I've tried to play DM on some random servers, but there's always at least one person that can make me angry. So a while ago I've decided to play only on EYE Domain, where I'm only a click of a button away to make my problems go away. And always when I play, I enjoy it if I have at least one person I know playing with me. And I know, DM is dieing, and it's because Steam is like this: "Let's open up this Ubisoft-made game ... it might attract players, if there aren't 2 milion players in one week, we won't make patches and bug fixes" And there you go. The only good job Steam did is TF2, any CS and probably even L4D - why? -> Patches + fixes. So I guess all we can do in DM now is play randomly from time to time. As for your forums where you said about L4D being played among yourselves, people applied and no action was taken. Well, I have about 4 people in EYE clan (including me) that have L4D and would be willing to play it sometimes (can't say the same about TF2 though).
Hmm.. If you could get some kind of map editor, then you would be able to fix all bugs, by editing the map and change all of the setting which you can do by console. Try and look for a map editor. Maybe some1 already has it and is willing to give it to you.
Well at least alos DM is dying. Most servers are disappeared. Many ppl have left the game. Only a few ppl stayed. Mostly not even one server is full... About honor I wont talk anymore. There are less ppl with honor out there, which is rly a shame for DM. I just remember "Dino MC 47" speehacking my server, and later that day offend me as "noob"... NO WAY GUY!!! = BAN!!! I dont want such ppl play this game (or Elena, most hated person over all) Well at least, there are much more games with lesser honor, and cheaters etc.!!!
RAWR FUCKIN RAWR! Hey guys ^^ Its B33R speakin. I think that DM is not dying, but the honor in people for their opponent. Using bugs against a talented and trained guy for their advantage is annoying, but it doesnt mean the game is bad. It only needed a good patch =( Still, if there was no DM, i wouldnt know u guys. This game gave me so much funny experiences and friends, too. I dont care if DM dies till i can play with you guys in ANY other game. (altho i cant for the time being :() So dont be sad, look at the bright side, and let us stick together as a clan ^^
Guys I cant figure what ur problem about my further leadership is... At least im playing all games you play. CSS TF2 L4D, and if my time allow I also can organize events. But noone replyed to any event (like last man standing... many comments no actions) I mean Tiny is my Co-leader if you have requests in any way then you also can ask him. At least we wont die. Thats why I want to stay leader... coz I have plans. But most of you ppl are unactive.
Its hard to organize some events if there are not enought to support those.
I voted negative only cause he gave the notice of he will not play more DM. But like leader, I have nothing against it, so positive to keeping leader Long live Hate!
I dont see the big problem in Dmomm dying.. There are plenty of games out there and TF2 is actually really fun to play. Also I'm kinda good at it (as Sniper) Also TF2 adds the name from your steam name into the game so we can keep playing as clan KoD in TF2. All we need to do is change the forum and title of this page a bit Also, TF2 have alot more maps and just as many game modes to play with, so I think it'll be just as fun.
And btw.. who thinks it's bad that hate is still leader?? I noticed that 3 people thinks its a bad comment.....